Desember 10, 2012

Drama Property Part 2

Love to make these...
One dream has done : "BE A DRAMA-PROPERTY-MAKER"
Is that a proper term? I don't know how to say that...

Another thing to do is : "BE A DRAMA-COSTUME-DESIGNER"


And "BE A MOVIE-SCRIPT-WRITER" sounds great too.
Amiin ya Rabb...

This one is for the prince

This one is for the Prince's sister

This is for the Prince's princes

This is for the Queen

These are them together

This is for the wicked witch

For Ms. Green

green and black, it's rock...

November 26, 2012

Still Mini Journal

21 Things to do before turning 22

Mini Journal, to file your recitation

Ukhtina RJ's order

It is not all about Jeans..

from my old compact disc

My Brand

Mesti punya "merk" nih
so, here it is, my brand mark, or something,
i dont know how to call it

for HUDA

first order from a friend
"awesome" she said
"thanks" i said

old things become new brand

November 19, 2012

my "not really" first step

mini journal that i haven't done yet...

one of the journal that attack many people, and many orders come to my office. nice.

Oktober 10, 2012

would you believe it?

             Long time ago in 19th century or perhaps before that time, people in Europe were afraid of loosing their family dead body that had been buried in the graveyard, because there were people who liked to steal them in the night in order to sold that dead body to the students of the medical school. Since each year the students were only able to have one body, in fact they needed more. So they ordered them to the corpse thief.
            The corpse thieves found a problem because the family increased their effort in guarding their family grave by using fence, and using locked coffins. However they looked at another way, they waited for dying people to die and their body will directly brought to the buyer.
            They then found that it would take longer time to wait some ill people to visit them and wait until the death take them, so they made them die for them. They killed the lonely people and send the body to the buyer.
            They were getting creative by bringing “the-still-alive-drunk-people” to the buyer and killed them there, that is disgusting. But, it was not going well, for some neighbor found some dead body in the murderer’s room that then made them caught by the police.
            One of the murderers was hang to death and the other was being in the operation process live in front of the public, then his skull is still shown and used in one medical school in Europe.

They are Doctors and I am a Teacher

Watched on April 1, 2012. Saturday
Written on April 8, 2012

I got this serial from my sister that somehow love Japanese dorama after I introduced “nobuta wo produce” to her. So I spent a day and a night to watch it in my room.
It was a serial about 4 interns doctor who applied for a doctor heli program in their university hospital. It was a program which the doctors will be sent over to the accident site using the helicopter to give the very first help to the victims.
While watching it I related them into my own life as a teacher in the future. Because I see the job of teacher is as important and honorable as a doctor.
I quoted one point there when a senior doctor told one of the interns that “what we do to the patient will affect on our future also the patient future.
One of the characters was Aizawa sensei, a coolheaded doctor who calmly make a decision about what should be done to the victims, whether there will be an operation or not. He used his knowledge to decide it. A senior doctor asked him why he did not raise his hand when he asked who want to be in the helicopter, and he calmly answered “I want to get to the helicopter with my hand and skill”.
Can you think of something in that way. I probably will raise my hand to take the change to be in the helicopter, also to show the others that I have a skill to do it and that I have the confidence. Without making sure of my skill first. Do you ever do that? I don’t think that showing your intention and confidence to others are wrong. But it is more awesome if the people realize your talent or skill by showing it to them, rather than to show your confidence and higher motivation.
Well, do I make my self clear?
No mistake is tolerated. Because when you misdiagnose the patient illnesses, the next procedure will be a danger to them, can cause a death.
That is why one of the interns , Shiraishi sensei, took books in her pocket to be read in her free time. She kept learning in order not to make a wrong decision or wrong diagnose on her patients. But, a nurse, Saejima-san, said that the things that they will fid in the real life is more than what written in the books.
Yeah, it is true.
What we are going to find in the real life is more complicated than the theory that you’ll find in the book.
Just the same with teacher, theories of learning and teaching that you learnt all the year will not completely that easier to apply in the real class. But you still need to use it as reference or at least as your guide to make a deal with the real class.
Everyone is unique and irreplaceable. Why I said that? since in this life there are people with talent and skill and not good at interacting with people, however there are also people who are good at interacting with people without specific talent. Take a look at this serial. Aizawa-sensei was a talented doctor and also reliable that everyone believe in him in making decision while dealing with the patient and the operation process. And then also take a look at Shiraishi-sensei, a doctor that at first cannot make a decision, but keep learning. And then Hiyama-sensei, a doctor that take a great concern and attention to the patients, she cannot let the patient to be abandoned or ignored by their family. She easily sympathized with the condition of the patients.
There are mood maker people in our life. Just like Fujiyama-sensei, an intern doctor that easily get closed with the patients because of his “innocence” that somehow make him easily get bullied by the patients.

To be continued…

Maret 09, 2012

sepotong bulan

13 July 2010

“Hey!! apa yang kau lakukan diatas sana adik kecil?” kata sebuah suara dari bawah sebatang pohon besar. Ia menengadah, melihat seorang bocah kecil berpakaian putih berdiri di atas genteng rumahnya, bertelanjang kaki.
Bocah kecil itu berjalan setapak demi setapak, merentang kedua tangannya kesamping kiri kanannya, berusaha untuk tetap seimbang.

“Ayo turun.. dingin sekali di atas sana, angin bisa saja tiba-tiba bertiup kencang, dan kau bisa jatuh...” katanya lagi, berusaha membujuk bocah tadi untuk turun.
“Tapi aku ingin mengambil bulan itu, ia membuat mataku sakit, tipa kali aku memandang ke luar jendela unutk memperhatikan bintang-bintang...” katanya polos, sambil memjulurkan tagannya kearah bulan yang sedang bersinar, bulat sempurna.

Semuanya terjadi begitu cepat, ketika tiba-tiba gadis itu ternganga mendapati bahwa bocah itu menggenggam sesuatu yang bulat sepeti bola, bersinar putih di kedua tangannya.
Ekspresi bocah itu datar. Tak ada rasa takjub, tak adsa rasa takut, yang ada hanya kehampaan.

Sementara itu langit malan yang tadinya cerah berhiaskan bulan dan bertebaran bintang, mulai memudar, seiringan dengan memudarnya cahaya dari bulatan putih di tangan bocah tadi.
Si gadis masih ternganga, menyaksikan bocah kecil itu dengan rakusnya melelan gigitan demi gigitan bulatan tadi, hinga tak bersisa dari genggamannya. dan seketika cahayanya sirna sama sekali.
Semenjak saat itu malam menjadi saat-saat terkelam, menjadi saat-saat tersunyi, tersepi, terbisu dan terpucat, danmenimbulkan beribu-ribu tanya namun seirama.

“Mengapa malam begitu kelam, Bu” tanya salah satu bocah.
“Hmm... Mungkin karena sesuatu yang menyinarinya masih terlelap di sini” jawab wanita yang duduk di sampingnya seraya menunjuk dada anaknya.
Malam ini menjadi malam yang sangat berbeda, ketika malam menjadi sangat kelam, ketika malam menjadi sangat sunyi, ketika malam menjadi sangat pucat. Ditambah dengan derai hujan yang berjatuhan dan mengalunkan nada dari atap rumah.
Kehebohan memang tak tampak, karena penduduk kota kecil ini lebih memilih menutup pintu dan jendela rumah mereka, berbaring di depan perapian, bergelung dengan selimut tebal, dibanding keluar ditengah hujan yang seminggu ini turun tanpa henti.

Namun disudut kamar di sebuah rumah, seorang gadis belasan tahun sedang sibuk dengan kertas kertas di atas meja belajarnya, merasa ada yang mengganjal, merasa ada yang salah. Sebuah suara menginterupsi pikirannya. Salah seorang penghuni rumah itu berkata,
“di luar gelap sekali” katanya setelah terdengar bunyi seseorang menyibak gorden jendela.
“iya, ya” sahut salah seorang lagi “padahal semalam masih terang benderang, sampai sampai aku bisa melihat warna matamu dengan jelas” tambahnya.

Merasa tertarik dengan pembicaraan yang terjadi di lantai bawah itu, si gadis beranjak dari mejanya, dengan perlahan dan ragu ia menyibakkan sedikit gorden jendelanya. Dan Ya! di luar sangat kelam, tak ada satu bendapun yang dapat dilihatnya, padahal sekarang baru pukul 7. Tidak biasanya malam sekelam ini.

Tiba-tiba ia ternganga lagi, ingat akan hal yang dialaminya dua malam yang lalu. Seseorang, bocah lelaki yang tidak dikenalinya, memakan bulan!! Teriak hatinya membuat kesimpulan. namun segera ditepisnya, “tidak mungkin, mana ada hal yang seperti itu, pasti awan yang menghalangi bulan malam ini. Ya!! hanya awan!! Pasti besok malam tidak akan kelam”

Dan senja di hari kedua datang, membawa rembesan-rembesan kelam malam, dan tetap diserta hujan. Cahaya lampu pun mulai berpendar dari jendela-jendela rumah penduduk kota itu, begitu juga dengan rumah gadis yang mengintip dari jendelanya semalam. Makan malampun telah dihidangkan, si gadis dan keluarga kecilnya itupun menyantapnya dengan lahap. Tak ada percakapan hingga ia selesai dengan makanannya. Dengan iseng ia berjalan menuju jendela besar di ruang keluarganya itu, dan menyingakp gordennya sedikit. lagi, di luar sangat kelam.

“Masih kelamm, di luar sana” katanya spontan.
“Hah?? masih kelam?” tanya seorang gadis yang lebih kecil darinya yang masih belum selesai dengan makanannya.
“Iya” jawabnya lagi
“Ada sesuatu yang tidak beres dengan ini semua. Dewan Pwngatur Kota masih membicarakannya, maksudku, memikirkan masalah ini” terdengar suara berat seorang lelaki, kepala keluarga itu, yang sedang sibuk dengan mesin faxnya.
“Mudah-mudahan begitu, malam yang kelam itu mengerikan dan membahayaan” sambung seorang wanita paruh baya yang sibuk bergulat dengan benda benda di dapur kesayangannya.

Gadis itupun beranjak ke selusur tangga yang ada di dapur, menapai jenjang demi jenjangnya. Menuju kamarnya, membuka pintunya, tanpa menghidupkan lampu ia mencoba berjalan ke arah jendela, meraba-raba sekitarnya agar tidak terjatuh, dan ia berhasil. ia membuka gordennya sedikit, ia duduk di bernda itu. Dalam keadaan kamar yang gelap itu, ia memandangi keadaan di luar kamarnya yang kelam. berpikir, dan menunggu agar matanya terbiasa dengan kekelaman. Ia berharap daapt melihat sesuatu di langit sana, berharap melihat sesuatu yang selama ini membuat matanya sakit ketika memandangi bintang-bintang.

Februari 17, 2012

Komat kamit sendiri

oct 29th, 2011
dia komat kamit sendiri
muntah sana sini
entah untuk eksistensi
atau karena jati diri
aku juga komat kamit sendiri
tapi muntahnya di dalam hati
"dasar tidak tau diri"
kata si caci dan si maki
ku lipat dahi
memojok di kiri
berpegang pada pondasi
yang kususun sendiri
ku komat kamit lagi dalam hati
lalu ku muntahkan sendiri

Lesu, Merdu, Bersemu

Padang, 28 mei 2010
Wajah-wajah terbingkai lesu
Di antara pecahan warna
yang ku toreh di atas sunyi
Beberapa mulut bertanya
Ku jawab “lihat saja!”
Sunyipun kemudian membisu
Dibungkam langkah-langkah
Yang kusangka mengganggu namun ternyata merdu
Wajah lesu itu bersemu
Merdu berbisik “selamat!”
Hatiku berseru “terima kasih banyak!”